Jazmin Grimaldi: Fürst Alberts II. Tochter wird Covid-19 nicht los

Jazmin Grace Grimaldi bei einer Veranstaltung in Beverly Hills im Februar 2020. (Bild: imago images/Starface)
Jazmin Grace Grimaldi setzt die Corona-Erkrankung schwer zu. (Bild: imago images/Starface)

Jazmin Grace Grimaldi (28), die uneheliche Tochter von Fürst Albert II. von Monaco (62), hat noch immer mit ihrer Covid-19-Erkrankung zu kämpfen. Im Juli machte die 28-Jährige öffentlich, positiv auf das Virus getestet worden zu sein.

Jetzt meldete sie sich bei Instagram erneut mit einem Bild aus dem Krankenhaus zu Wort. Sie sei über das Wochenende in der Klinik gewesen, weil sich die "Symptome weiter verschlimmert haben".

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I am proud to be a woman. I am never going to throw away my right to vote or disrespect my female ancestors who took a stand. Today we celebrate 100 years since the 19th amendment was passed so that women could vote! I am happy to announce I sent in my absentee ballot today, GO 🗳 VOTE! Those of you may know I have been struggling with my Health due to Covid. My immunity may be knocked down for a little while longer but my spirit is high, I’m a strong woman, I’m a survivor. I am happy to admit I’m out of the hospital and now I am home on this winding road to recovery. However, I was admitted to the hospital over the weekend because my symptoms continued to worsen since I last checked in on Friday. I developed a chicken pox like rash and continued having uncomfortable body aches with longer severe pain by my lungs /rib cage, flashes of fever, and debilitating migraines. I had a series of tests taken: blood work, urine test and chest X-ray. My white blood cells and my lymphocytes are low and my CRP aka inflammation in the body is higher than normal which are all indicators of the Covid virus still affecting the body. Regardless, if I continue to carry the same strain or have a new one my body is in fact still fighting the virus. I have been put on antibiotics for possible covid related pneumonia caught in the early stages and due to a small nodule found on my right lung which could be from Covid damage too. I will get a check up again in a few weeks and continue to monitor my symptoms. The doctors are still learning and confessed they have seen other cases similar to mine. I am beyond frustrated and just want my body to find peace and comfort. The pain is so uncomfortable and debilitating and there is not much to do but to rest, and ice packs for some relief. I am sharing my story so that all of you can be aware and maybe share in similar symptoms. The Covid virus is so strong and mysterious. I know we are all over talking about Covid, hearing about Covid and living in fear or disbelief of this virus. Believe me I am more than ready to be done myself but unfortunately I have no choice. Listen to your body! Protect yourself, to protect others.Take care!

A post shared by JazminGraceGrimaldi (@jazmingrimaldi) on Aug 18, 2020 at 11:03am PDT

Grimaldi beklagt neben Gliederschmerzen einen "Windpocken-ähnlichen Ausschlag" sowie "heftige Schmerzen in der Lunge und im Brustkorb, Fieberschübe und schwächende Migräne". Die Ergebnisse der vor Ort durchgeführten Tests hätten gezeigt, dass das Virus "den Körper immer noch befällt". Die Folge: Die 28-Jährige müsse Antibiotika nehmen. Sie leide an einer "womöglich Covid-bedingten Lungenentzündung im Frühstadium" und habe "ein kleines Knötchen in meiner rechten Lunge, das ebenfalls von einem Covid-Schaden herrühren könnte".

Idris Elba: So traumatisch war seine Coronavirus-Erkrankung